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About Us

The House of Messiah Christian Fellowship is a congregation that is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by making Disciples who make Disciples of all nations and peoples.​


We teach people to follow all of His commands because we know that He is with us always, and has instructed us to do so.  This means ensuring that we have genuine fidelity to the Scriptures as well as an environment that welcomes all people who are looking to do so.


Are you old?  Young? Jew? Gentile? Man? Woman? Long time believer? New Christian?


The point is that where you are in your spiritual walk when you come through the door does not matter to us, or to God, as long as you are willing to follow Messiah and to become a better disciple little by little.  That is our view, and it is what we help each other to do.


We'd love to have you join us!





Family Ministry

At The Messiah's House Christian Fellowship, we believe in the long standing tradition of family education in Scriptural matters.  Our focus is on helping families to strengthen and deepen their own teaching and to help to reinforce that with community love and involvement.



Singles Ministry

At The Messiah's House Christian Fellowship, single believers can find deep meaning in discipleship as they grow in knowledge and grace.  Single or married, all are a part of the Family of God and we value you as such.


Military & Vets

Military & Veteran Ministry

Pastor Trueblood is a US Army veteran who deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.  His familiarity with military ministry allows current, soon to be former, and former military members to feel at home.  

Doctrines & Faith

1) The scriptures contained in the Bible are the inspired Word of God.  They are the only truth that exists, and they alone are the basis for all of man's worship towards God.


2) There is only one God, Yahweh, and He created everything that exists and holds it all together by His will.  There are not multiple gods, and saying so is blasphemous to the One True God.


3) Yahweh (God) exists in three expressions (or persons), God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit.  All parts of God's person are equal in power and glory and are indivisible.


4) Jesus is the spirit of God poured into a body which makes him completely and totally man.  The spirit was, however, truly and properly God's Spirit, and it is not changed by being put into a body, so Jesus is still God.  He was fully God and Man at the same time.


5) Adam and Eve were created in innocence.  They did not understand what it was to disobey God.  That ended when they did disobey him, and sin entered into their being.  That sin, now inherent in who they were, was passed on to all of humanity through them.


6) Because of His great love and mercy, God gave us His Son (Jesus) to die in our place.  Because of Jesus perfection, His sacrifice was able to take the sins of the world upon Himself, offering forgiveness to all people who will accept it.


7) In order to be fully saved, a person must, confess their sin to God, be sorry enough to stop doing it, do their best not to sin anymore (with the help of the Holy Spirit), and believe that Jesus is their Savior and that He will justify them on the day of judgment.


8) We believe that the testimony of each and every believer is important and is necessary to the church as a whole.  There is no irrelevant testimony of God's goodness in the world, therefore, each and every Christian has a witness to the world.


9) The soul is immortal, it will live forever, on that you have no choice.  The choice you do have is, where will your soul reside for eternity?  With or without God?  The ultimate loving act of a loving God is to give you what you have said you wanted all along, eternity with or without Him.

Mailing Address: PO Box 1466, Converse, TX 78109

Meeting Address: TBD

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Service Times (starting in Jan. '24)

Worship Service: Sunday 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Fellowship Time: Sunday 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Sunday School: Sunday 11:00 am - 12:00 am

Bible Study: Thursday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

© 2023 by House of Messiah Christian Fellowship.

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