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Daily Devotional 07/11/2023 - Finishing What Was Started

Writer's picture: Wesley Trueblood IIIWesley Trueblood III

Hebrews 12:1-3 NASB

1 Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


How do you keep going when you are discouraged?

It seems like a simple question, but it is one that we should prepare ourselves to answer because each of us will have to answer it at least once in our lives, and more likely multiple times.

And that brings me to today's scripture.

In the opening of Hebrews, Paul reminds us of a few very important things.

1) We are not alone.

Paul mentions that, "since we have such a great cloud of witnesses," and this help to remind us that we do in fact have, or should have, a great cloud of witnesses (believers) around us as well. Do you belong to a congregation? If so, they are there to help you and it is neither bad, nor wrong, to lean on them in times of distress.

If you do not have a congregation that you belong to, then you have a different sort of issue that you need to be working on, because your non compliance with Paul's admonition to not neglect the coming together has left you short handed on needed help.

2) If we keep our eyes on Jesus, and His calling for our lives, we will not be distracted.

Distractions come in many forms, but all of them serve the same purpose: to take our eyes off of the savior. This is one of the enemy's favorite tactics is to get us so focused on the distractions that we forget the calling. We are so focused on the business, or the board meeting, or the new media campaign, that we forget that the reason why we serve is because of our love for Him.

The key thing is to remember that Jesus is the focus, should be the focus, and must be the focus if we want to continue being engaged in the mission that He has for us. As soon as it becomes about us, or about our wants/needs/desires, then life swallows you whole. Remember that you are called, you are anointed for a specific mission here on Earth that only you can do. Remembering that will help to keep you motivated.

3) Remember the sacrifice of Christ so that your pains will stay in perspective.

One of the biggest things that we get twisted is to assume that what is happening to us is somehow worse than anything that people have had to face before. Not only is this a completely false idea on its face, it is downright insulting to those who have been martyred for the faith.

I'm sorry, but the snide looks you get from the family at Thanksgiving dinner when you pray, or the rude comments you get from your coworkers when they find out that you're a believer do not even come close to comparing to being fed to the lions in a publicly humiliating death on the floor of a Roman coliseum.

When we remember the sacrifices of the believers before us who gave their very lives in order to share the Gospel, which by the way is how you have it today, it becomes very difficult to continue to feel sorry for yourself. Nothing that is done to us today is like what they went through. Most of us do not lose our entire family just for becoming a believer and getting baptized.

So how do we get through the hard things? We keep pushing while thanking God for how good we have it today. Our hearts and attitudes should be those of thankfulness because no matter how bad it is, it is not nearly as bad as it was. We are quite blessed.

And it is a great thing to remind ourselves of.



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